PixelfearWeb Development by Jason Varga

Becoming a Statamic Gentleman

News, Statamic

The other week, I became a Statamic core developer. Woohoo!

Jack and Fred ambushed me on Skype and asked if I’d like to be part of the core team. I’ve admired these guys and the product they’ve created for a long time, so naturally I accepted.

I’m very excited to be a part of the team, to help Statamic and the community grow even stronger.

Aww, yeah


What does this mean for my other work? Quite simply, nothing.

I’ll be continuing on with client services and my other add-ons as per usual. You won’t notice a difference.
If you need a website; are already a client of mine; are considering an add-on of mine; or have already purchased an add-on — rest assured that I’ll still be dealing with everything just like before.


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